How far along: 27 weeks, 0 days. 91 days left (if you are going by the basic 40-week pregnancy, which is not my case. Looking forward to shaving a couple weeks off that timetable!)
Next Dr. appt: one week (Sept. 1st). Two big things happen: (1) 1 hour glucose test and (2) my visits start coming every 2 weeks instead of once a month.
New aches/pains: feet swelling took on a life on its own when the mercury was hitting 100, but now it's finally 80 degrees so I have gotten a little relief
Movement: Baby has gotten more active in the AM, and has always been having a dance party from 9-11 PM. But now she has added little kicks and rolls on a regular 1-2 hour basis. And you can see the feet sticking out under my skin now...she must be very strong!
Food cravings: It's not particular foods, really, it's the general overwhelming desire to have someone else cook my dinner! I have been craving restaurant dinners like crazy. I especially want Buster's Place for sea food lately.
Belly button: still in! But I can pop it out at will and this completely grosses out Tim and Garrett.
Sleep: Patchy. Takes a lot to get asleep which was never the case before. Also, the "sleep on your left side" requirement has left me with permanently tingly fingers and what feels like a nasty case of carpal tunnel syndrome.
Best moment of week: Going back to work tomorrow! (This is so sad...I can't believe I just wrote that...).
What I miss: sleeping on my stomach; tuna fish; daily Diet Cokes
What I am looking forward to: Getting the school year started and laying out all my lesson plans for my maternity leave. The more stuff I leave, the better I will feel about not checking in during my time off!
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