Feeling: Hungry! Started gestional diabetes diet a week and a half ago, and it's kicking my butt. I have to eat at the low end of my carb allowance just to keep my sugar level in check, so I feel like I'm always waiting for the next snack time to come along! Had an ultrasound done yesterday and size wise, baby is right on track (actually, a little big, but no concern): 3 lbs. 11 oz. I, on the other hand, managed to lose weight...as in NINE pounds since my last visit a week ago! The dr. is not worried; her words "I would expect you to lose weight when put on such a drastic diet". Here, here sister!
Updates: Now that I'm officially diagnosed with GD, I am going back to the dr. every week instead of every 2 weeks. I will start Non Stress Tests (NSTs) in about 3-4 weeks, and I see the dietician every other week. I also have an appt. at the perinatalogist on Oct. 4th to measure the baby thoroughly--know what that means??? 3-D ultrasound baby!
Also, Emily, at this time, is breech. As in, butt first. Dr. says she still has time to move--we won't worry til 34-36 weeks.
What I Like Right Now: Feeling baby move (she's slowed down since she started running out of room, and I miss the right jabs during tv time), days at school when I get to sit down, Timmy making dinner most nights, and wearing flip flops under the radar of the Fashion Police at work
What I Don't Like Right Now: kick counts (they stress me out that something is wrong), having to ask everyone at work to cover classes so I can go to the doctor every other minute, my cankles
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