Garrett came home with a post-it note from Mrs. Miller, his English teacher, about a ceremony on Monday. It's the awards for the Potomac Elementary 600 Club. If you score a 600 (perfect score) on your SOL test, you get invited to get an award. Garrett scored a 600 on two out of his three SOL tests last year: math and Virginia History. He missed a perfect score on his Science test by one question....and somewhere, in the dark, a science teacher weeps. But anyhoo, we were excited about the other two tests so we headed up to PES for awards, punch, and cake!
Garrett and his "You're a star!" ribbon
See the pride in his eyes?! So excited about his accomplishments.
This is the "God, mom, hurry up. You're embarrassing me" shot. Garrett was more interested in a second helping of cake and running around with his friends.
Happy Valentine’s Day! ❤️
1 week ago
CONGRATS to my awesome nephew! GREAT JOB!!!