I haven't updated in a while on my pregnancy, and I don't want the fourth thinking he gets less attention than the first three! I am at the doctor twice a week, so this post will not be lacking for information/updates! I was at Dr. E last Friday for my 34 week checkup, and I was still measuring a little big. My BPP was great (baby tried to take a nap, but the scan tech needed to record movement, so she gave him so good shakes. He woke up, practiced his breathing, and sucked on his hand. Very cute!). My NST test was fine. Since I am on insulin at night, I will need to do twice-weekly monitoring--once @ doctor's office and once @ perinatalogy.
I went to perinatalogy on Monday for my NST/BPP/growth scan. I haven't had a growth scan in 3 weeks, so I was curious to see if Baby is still on his gigantic growth path! Turns out, he is! He's almost 80th percentile for growth--already 6.6 pounds at 34 weeks 5 days! An average 35 weeker would be around 4.75 pounds. My perinatalogist isn't worried about size so much for me (since I have delivered 8 and 9 pound babies) and Baby Drinks is doing great on the monitors and all of his tests. She said "If you haven't delivered in 4 weeks, we will repeat the growth scan. But he's just going to be a big boy". Get this: When Stephanie (the tech) was doing the measurements, baby's head was measuring 38 weeks and belly was 37 weeks 5 days! So he's definitely trying to pack on the pounds!
My regular doctor is a little more optimistic, suggesting induction at 38-39 weeks. I see her again tomorrow, so we'll be having a little chat about upcoming events!
Blood pressure: 129/65
Baby's Heart rate: ranging from 129-162 during NST test
Weight (me): up one pound, then down one. Still at 10 pounds total.
Weight (baby): 6.6 pounds
Fundal measurement: 36 cm
Happy Valentine’s Day! ❤️
1 week ago
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