Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Crochet Crazy

 So life with a "second job" has gotten a little busy.  Business on Etsy has been increasing steadily and I've started to average about 1-2 orders a day.  On top of my "day job" and the 24 hour job of mothering all these damn kids in my house and a puppy and a husband.....I think I am certifiably insane to be taking on all this work!  But crocheting is still a creative outlet for me and I really do enjoy making the items in my shop.  I just recently got slammed--15 orders in 4 days.  I'm working my way through those orders while still keeping my house running :)  I'm trying to plan ahead at this point so that I can devote large chunks of my evening to working on my orders (do 2 rows of hat, change laundry over, do 2 rows of hat, fold a load, do 2 rows of hat, read bedtime stories to Emmy, do 2 rows of hat, clean off dinner table, etc).  
Carrie recently asked me about making an owl hat with matching booties for a coworker's baby shower.  I have tried booties in the past with minimal success--they usually end up looking like crocheted sandwich bags.  These ones turned out so well that I went on to make 2 more pairs for my shop!  The boy pair above have the cutest owl buttons and the bottom ones are simply pink and gray for a little girl.
An old friend of mine from college emailed me about getting some items for her son's newborn photo shoot while I was on winter break.  She loved the baseball set (her husband is a big fan) and she and her husband met at VT.  She ordered the VT hat and I threw in a matching diaper as a "congratulations" present.  And then she did something awesome and sent me pics from her photo shoot, telling me to use them for my shop if I wanted!  Check out baby David below:

Hokie baby!

baseball's littlest fan

baby girl booties with flower button

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