We settled on costumes a few weeks ago and Jason is in love with the Hulk (even though he's never seen the movies). He likes to pound on the door and say "Hulk smash!" when he's arrived at Mum Mum's house in the morning. In the picture above, he proudly balanced on the fire wood and said "Quick! Get my picture!"
Emily and her bestie Aela coordinated their costumes to both be butterflies. We grabbed our glow necklaces and bracelets and headed out to Aela's house. We were invited to join them for chili before going trick or treating in their neighborhood. On the way, we made a quick stop at Grandad and Mum Mum's house. They live on a busy road and never get trick or treaters. And they wanted to see the kids' costumes!
Well, we put my two together with Ginger's four kids and it was just mad chaos all over Fox Run this year! I brought along the wagon for when Jason finally decided to stop walking and ended up pulling him most of the night. Tim and Ginger's husband John set up a fire pit at the end of their driveway and handed out candy while Ginger and I herded the mass of children around the neighborhood. My arms are definitely feeling the strain from pulling Jason around the streets while the girls ran everywhere and then collapsed when they got home. I'm sure tomorrow morning will be a joy for everyone :)
Happy Valentine’s Day! ❤️
1 week ago
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