Somebody (I don't want to name names because I might embarrass the neonate) has been refusing to nap longer than 4 minutes unless she is located on a person. Namely, me. She sleeps great if she is bunched up, face down, on the reclining chest of a warm body. But put her down for a couple of minutes and try to pee, get food, etc. and she wakes up with a screech and wants back on her human pillow NOW. At night she sleeps on her changing table, in her swing, or in her car seat, but never the bassinet. We tried the bassinet for a week and gave up. So I have been spending the nights on the couch while Timmy has the bedroom. Today, I decided to put her little non-napping butt in the bassinet and see what happens. The pictures below are proof that she can sleep in a bassinet, it just has to be severely modified to her liking... (and yes, I know that the Boppy pillow clearly has a tag that says "Not for use while sleeping").
Notice the swaddling blanket, Bobby pillow, and music box/vibrator on the side. At this point, Emily has been listening to some women sing lullabies for about 15 minutes.
Yes, I get how unsafe my rig is. But seriously, she's SLEEPING and I can't justify changing the setup if it means I will be holding her for naps until she's five.
Happy Valentine’s Day! ❤️
1 week ago
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