Well, more like 2 weeks and 3 days old, but I don't get a chance to go to the bathroom, let alone update my blog in a timely manner. I remember reading all the complaints on the Baby Center blog about how you need to sleep when baby sleeps and how the women never got a chance to shower on a daily basis, and I always thought "Gee, the babies sleep for 20 hours a day, what is wrong with these women? Why can they get nothing done in a day?" Apparently, my baby gap of almost 9 years caused me to forget major details of having a newborn in the house. First, for only being a couple of weeks old, Emily is awfully particular. She wants Mommy and she wants her NOW. My warning time from first eye opening to full on wail is about 1.2 seconds. This girl wakes up with one goal: feeding time. And I better be ready with exposed chest and Boppy pillow. And Emily has apparently heard the Burger King jingle while in utero because she shares their motto: I want it my way. She likes to be held constantly, even when in the deepest of sleep and she knows who is picking her up or trying to console her (hint: if that person doesn't have a ready milk supply, she sniffs them out and cries for mommy). I forgot that something as natural as nursing a baby can take upwards of EIGHT hours out of a 24 hour day. And we have no schedule except for Emily's schedule. One day, she goes back to bed for a 3 hour nap after waking in the AM. The next day, she decides she is going to be wide awake and eat every 45 minutes from waking time til 3 PM. Forget trying to get the Food Lion or Christmas shopping; I barely get out of my pj bottoms or tank top from the night before. But when she grins in her sleep and lets out of a milk dribble from the corner of her mouth, it is all so worth it.
See my baby blues? The lights on the Christmas tree fascinate me.
Very happy when that arm is tucked up next to her head.
Too adorable.
Notice my hair in her little steely grip.
This is her look that says "Thanks for staying up til 4:30 AM with me, Mom. I had a busy night of explosive pooping and frantic eating sessions."
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