Weight: 11 pounds, 12 oz. Egad! Emily is now in the 75% for weight (at birth she was 20% and at 1 month she was 50%). Is someone sneaking precious metals into my milk?! The girl is a great eater, and it shows.
Length: 22 3/4 inches. Also 75% for length.
Head: 15 inches circumference. About 25% for head which Dr. B says is great.
Shots: She got 2! And a vaccine for rotavirus that is given orally. I had to hold her hands and she screamed horribly and her face turned red and she actually cried real tears! I felt horrible and made grandiose promises while I fed her afterwards ("And you can have a pony, and we'll go to Disney World and play with all the princesses..."). I gave her Tylenol as soon as we got home. She fed again and then snuggled into the swing for a nap.
What's Next? Emily starts daycare at Four Seasons on Monday when I go back to work :( I love the center so that makes it a little easier to leave her. They do baby sign language and yoga (!) but my favorite part is the care givers--they seem genuinely sweet and loving.
Back to the doctor for our 4 month check up on March 18th!
I can't believe Emily is two months old! I know my time home with Ryder will fly by as quickly as your time did, and I'm not happy about it. :(