Emily's day started with her first experience with daycare. She spent a few hours this morning getting aquainted with the staff at Four Seasons Daycare. In the four hours she was there, Emily ate twice and slept for two hours. Rough day, as you can see. I picked her up at noon and we headed to Garrett's school to eat lunch with him and Mrs. Miller, English teacher extraordinaire. Then it was back home for a "playdate" with her buddy Ryder and his mommy Melissa. I will let the pictures speak for themselves...
Ryder decided to "play it cool" and ignored Emily the whole visit, which is code for "I really dig you".
Emily was like "right back atcha Ryder" with her nap in the swing during their playdate.
I always have a project during my "break" time. I figured my maternity leave would be the best time to paint all the wood trim in my house. This is the job with primer and blue painter's tape. I am a finish coat of semi-gloss away from being finished.
The inside of the linen closet shows you the original wood color of all the trim. It used to look like a hallway in a cave. Now it's bright even when I get up at 3:30 am.
Today was a great day to accomplish all those little things I wanted to wrap up before I went back to work. Getting Emily's hand and footprint was one of those tasks. I bought a kit from Target that included two frames and an ink pad.
Here are the finished products on her wall above the changing table.
Task #2: Get links to hook all the dangly toys to on her play gym and in the car. Found a 24 pack at Target for $4!
Her gym now has enough dangly and musical toys to ensure a raging case of ADD when she gets older.
End of Emily's day--after some play time on the floor, she snuggled with her elephant toy/blankie from Aunt Carrie. In the tradition of Cousin Britton, we have named the elephant "Ellie" and will be carrying her around/spitting food on her/chewing her extremities from this point on. And heeding Carrie's advice, I will be buying two backup Ellies to keep in the top of the closet for future use.
You know it! Love that you're naming her lovey "Ellie" :) Happy to see everything went smoothly today with Emily's first day of daycare. And why do you have to be so dang productive on maternity leave? Just makes me feel so lazy when I can't bother to get dressed on the weekends! I kid, of course. The white trim looks fantastic!