Just in case you didn't know, Baby Girl White turned the big "7" in June! Caroline (or "Weenie" or "Carolina", as we've taken to calling her) is going to be in second grade! Can I just repeat that sentence, please?! I am 30 thirty years old and the parent of a 4th grader and 2nd grader. Heaven help me!
They are growing like weeds, but I gotta tell ya, I'm loving the independence! Now, I get to sleep in on Saturdays because I have children who have been taught (aka "trained") how to get their own Pop Tart and find a decent cartoon on the tv. When I send them out to play in the backyard, I don't have to worry that one or the both will think it's a "creative idea" to play Frogger with Rt. 206 traffic. If I don't hear them in the backyard for a few minutes, it's just because they are busy thinking of something to fight over.
Caroline has lost her two front top teeth, so now she has an adorable gap that makes her lisp all the more noticeable. If fact, it's like a little letter slot--> we had some M&M's the other day, and I told her "Hold your teeth shut and smile!" Then I slid a candy through the slot and she chewed it up, all the while with Timmy and Garrett laughing like loons. My house ain't normal, dammit.