Saturday, January 18, 2020

LEGO Exhibit at Botanical Gardens! Jan 2020


Meeting up with Aunt Jill, Cousin Stephanie and family, for lunch at our favorite, Taste Unlimited!

LEGO turtle!

Peacock!  All LEGOS!

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Off to Houston TX Baby!

 The oldest two kids (can I really call them kids?  They're 18 and 20 now!) are getting harder and harder to Christmas shop for.  So I took the "easy" way out and asked if they wanted a visit to Aunt Carrie's house for the holidays!  They flew out a couple of days after Christmas and came back after New Year's.  These are some pics from just one of the many places Carrie took them as a tour guide!  It was the Color Factory exhibit in Houston.