Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Goin' Through the Big D and Don't Mean Dallas...

Let's be honest: who doesn't love a great love story...that goes south? Not to be cynical, because by nature I am not, but it's not usually the beautiful decades-long love story that catches my attention. It's the knock down, drag out ones that do. So you got a great tidbit about the aunt and uncle that met at age 7 in a tree and never looked back? Keep it to yourself. You got a great one about the 17 year old your 55 year old uncle is dating who refused to leave when he dumped her, slept on his front porch, and stalked his ex wife? Bring it on.
So, here's your update: almost final. June 6th would have been the big day, but my lawyer is slower than VDOT on a summer day. Some might call her "thorough"; my gut calls her "Slightly incompetent and incapable of taking my calls". So hopefully, in a few weeks, you will all have the privilege of introducing, for the very first time, (said in my wedding DJ voice): "Ms. Jessica White"!
Any by the way: what's your vote? I want to hear opinions that people have about changing the last name or leaving it alone. Gotta say, personally, it was such a hassle the first time 10 years ago!
And finally, with a quote from Zsa Zsa Gabor (Take what you will from this): "I have never hated a man enough to return his diamonds".
Amen, sister.

1 comment:

  1. divorce lawyers take a long time because they get paid by the hour! they are a crafty bunch, those lawyers. also, i vote for keeping "white" because it matches the kids' last name. however, if you intend to keep "nagle" even if you ever get married again, i vote for the maiden name change. just no need to switch to the maiden name to change it again if you get married. your credit report would be so messed up.
