to want to visit Washington DC and act like a tourist for the day! Timmy and I loaded up the baby and headed north to visit the Natural History Museum. Emily did great, holding our hands and toddling around to all the exhibits and being a good stroller rider when she got tired. We saw the Hope diamond, the minerals and gems, all the fossils, and the special exhibits. Then we headed for the Mall lawn to enjoy the absolutely beautiful weather. Timmy spied a carousel so we jumped on for a spin. It was a lot faster than I thought it would be, but Emily loved it!
Hmmmmmm.....nice amethyst. Could we fit this in the stroller and take it home?
Seriously, Daddy, I really like jewels.
These two were fascinated by the lighted sculptures in the Deep Ocean exhibit...
One of the sculptures. They light up and move around.
Emily liked hanging out with the Neanderthal toddler.
Ummm....this is going really fast. And I don't have a seat belt.
Dang it woman! Don't you know that a stroller is the perfect way to get a 500 pound amethyst out of the museum? Just sit Emily up on top and nobody's the wiser! :)
Dang it woman! Don't you know that a stroller is the perfect way to get a 500 pound amethyst out of the museum? Just sit Emily up on top and nobody's the wiser! :)