Emily is officially on her way to being a "toddler"--she walks/runs everywhere! She used to crawl around most of the time and just walk if I made her, but now she goes from a sitting position, pops her bottom into the air, straightens up, and walks to where she wants to be. She has gotten very sassy in her "old age"--her weekdays run like clockwork at daycare, but the weekends are full of surprises! She fights her weekend naps like a champ, and will only give in when completely exhausted or I take her on a ride in the van. She still prefers to go out shopping/seeing people to hanging out at home. She's very much a little clown and LOVES music. Her head bops along to the theme song from the "Arthur" show and all the songs on the Disney channel. She doesn't watch tv, but she loves the music!
reading books (especially the "touch and feel" ones and "Elmo at the Zoo"), yogurt and graham crackers, wearing socks with no-slip on the bottom, going out to public places, riding in her big car seat, stacking blocks, playing in her little rocking chair, her Fisher Price puppy that sings. Dislikes: getting dressed, having to stay still for a diaper change, naptime, being told "no", being bored, being left alone in a room
What She Can do: walk, "read" a book by herself, stack blocks, drink from a sippy cup all day, play peek-a-boo, dance, make silly faces, say "ma ma", "da da", "duh" (duck), "ow" (cow) and "uh-oh!", has 8 teeth and brushes them every night
Another favorite activity? Walking around "talking" on her pretend cell phone. It's not like she sees me doing this on a regular basis--if I get a call in the car, it's wired through the speakers and I don't hold the phone. I'm rarely able to take a call at home if I'm watching her. So why does my cell phone, her play phones, and the tv remote instantly get tucked up behind her ear as she gabbers into the air? Ahhhhh....they grow up so fast!
"Sorry, I have to take this important call...."