Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Emily: Fourteen Months Old

Hey everybody! I am a big girl now! I am growing like a weed! I don't have many stats since I haven't been to the doctor since my flu booster shot in December, but Mom got me to stand on the scale in our bathroom and I stood up really nice and tall so that she could use the tape measure on me:
HEIGHT: 32 inches
WEIGHT: 22 pounds (give or take a couple oz)
SIZES: 18 months in clothes, size 3 in diapers, size 4 in shoes
TEETH: already has 12! working on the second set of lower molars right now (#13 and 14)
EATS: almost everything! Emily has really slowed down on the eating, so she gets in a good breakfast and lunch, and dinner can be hit or miss (sometimes she only snacks, other times she gets two or three helpings). She eats all adult food--loves broccoli and cauliflower, meatballs, mac and cheese, all noodles, hamburgers, grilled cheese sandwiches, subs, and most recently ice cream!
LIKES: hugs and kisses, giving high-fives, watching the opening credits to "Arthur" (she dances to the music), listening to all music, reading books, playing with blocks, climbing EVERYTHING!
DISLIKES: getting into the bathtub (she's fine once she actually gets in the water), shirts that are too big for her, staying in her highchair one second longer than she has to, wearing hats, naptime, teething

Making a "kissy face"

sitting at her new table and chair set with Daddy, making a "phone call" on her froggy teether

Other "likes"? Climbing up into her chair, and down, and back up ,and down...

" I know where she keeps the socks...and I plan on pulling out every pair and throwing them around the room like confetti!"

"Oh man!"

I was treating myself to a Nutty Buddy the other night and Emily spied it immediately. She leaned forward for a bite, her teeth hit the cold, and she jumped back. She licked her lips, decided she now LOVES this new food, and promptly stole my cone!

Another "like"? Coloring! We found Caroline's old Color Wonder coloring books and markers--you don't have to worry about marks all over the floor, carpet, and baby! She's also learned to "cheese" for the camera!

"Talk to the marker, mom"

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