Can you believe my little peanut is three months old today??? She has changed so much! I don't have much in the way of official stats since she doesn't have another checkup til 4 months old, but I do know her weight. We were at the doctor yesterday for her ear check and Emily weighed in at 12 pounds, 13 oz. Her double ear infection is almost all cleared up. The right ear is perfect but there is still some fluid behind the ear drum on the left. Dr. B thinks it will be gone by our check up next month. She sleeps through the night, with a bedtime of 8 PM and a usual wake time of 5:30 AM.Emily is on a great schedule, which goes as follows: get home from daycare around 3:15 PM, eat, have a little cat nap, wake up and play, get a bath around 6 PM, go in bouncy seat for a little bit, start rubbing those tired red eyes around 7 PM, get a diaper change and swaddle just in time for Wheel of Fortune, eat all the way through Jeopardy, and get plopped in her bed by 8 PM with the humidifier running and CD of ocean waves.
Likes: bathtime, when women coo at her, baby talk, being swaddled, her little lamb swing, sitting upright, getting her diaper changed, Ms. Tammy at daycare
Dislikes: amoxicillin, getting out of the bath, being laid flat on her back, socks, being cold, having to stay in her car seat too long, Ms. Tammy's day off