Saturday, February 26, 2011

Cammy Came to Town

Cammy came for a visit this weekend because we haven't seen her since before Christmas. In that time, the baby has pretty much doubled in size and looks nothing like her newborn self. The older two were excited to see Cammy and do fun activities with her that didn't involve a baby sibling! Caroline cheesing it up before our visit to the dentist. The kids had appts. at 11 AM, just in time to get a good cleaning before loading up on candy at the movies that afternoon.
Cammy was the "babysitter" while I took the kids to the dentist. Emily had a nice scream fest for Cammy, then passed out on the couch.
Once we got home from the dentist, Cammy took Caroline and Garrett to the movies while I stayed home with Emily. And since I don't move a baby who is sleeping for any reason, Emily enjoyed her first nap on the couch while I stayed within arm's reach in case she learned to roll over during the nap.
What movie did the kids see? Why, Gnomeo and Juliet of course! They said it was cute. Cammy said the theater was packed and thank goodness they got to the theater early. Tim, Emily, and I met up with the fam after the movie, where we hit Kohl's for some kid clothes and then the Quaker Steak and Lube for dinner. It was very nice (auto themed) and the kids loved the atmosphere (race car suspended from the ceiling, etc). The food wasn't half bad either!

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