Thursday, June 16, 2011

Emily: Seven Months Old

Well, not yet, but we'll be in Dallas on the 17th, and I'm sure we'll be way too exhausted from our 7 AM flight to take some photos of Emily with her sign and get them uploaded on Blogger. So we're celebrating a day early!
Emily is experiencing so many "firsts" that it keeps her mind super busy and makes her want to get up and hang out all hours of the night. I follow our nighttime routine to a tee, and I'm hoping that consistency will one day pay off with more than 6 hours of sleep in a row. She'll get up several times a night or be fussy for a couple of days, spend another few days getting back into the routine, then have a few "good" nights. Then something else causes a sleep disturbance, and we're back to Square One. I wish everyone was this happy when they woke up in the morning. I heard her babbling and tickling her bear (I think she was trying to grab it and was only getting the very edge of the tag). I snuck in her room and she saw me and gave me the biggest smile.

Nice to see ya! I need a fresh diaper, pronto!


Weight: 17 pounds

Sizes: size 12 months in clothes, size 3 in diapers

Developments: two front bottom teeth, sits up for about 15-20 minutes at a time unassisted, naps twice a day for about 1-1 1/2 hours at a time, in bed at 7:30 PM every night.

Food: Three meals a day--> yogurt and fruit at 10 AM, veggie and cereal at 1 PM, more fruits or veggies at 4 PM. We have branched out into some "combo" food--peas and carrots, sweet potatoes and chicken, etc. Still nursing every 3 hours or so.

Sleeping: Inconsistent. Some night she only gets up once around 2 AM, other times I see her at 1 AM and 4 AM. Now that I'm on summer vacation, it's not as disheartening to hear the cries for me a couple times a night. I probably won't have the same forgiving attitude come August.

What's New? In the past week, I have learned to wave "hi" at my daycare friends--just in time to leave for the summer :( . I also give dad a "hi five" when he asks for one. I belly laugh when tickled or tossed into the air. I put all of my teething rings up my arm like bracelets and get really ticked off when I can't get to them.

Likes: food, nursing, someone's undivided attention (don't even think of leaving her alone or she will screech the whole time you are in the bathroom, taking a phone call, etc.); being held up so she can stand on her legs; toys that make music/flash lights; the cats; car rides; greeting people at Walmart; hanging out in the Bjorn (we have used her stroller twice....ever); watching traffic drive by

Dislikes: having to wait to eat; ear aches; teething; having hands washed; socks; sleeping on her back; tummy time; being left alone

Where Does the Time Go??? (see below)

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