Friday, April 20, 2012

Emily: Seventeen Months Old

I may be a couple days late on this posting, but I've been a little busy around here! This toddler keeps me running! Once we did the crying out a couple of months ago, bedtime is much more pleasant. Em is in the bath around 6:45 PM, then some quiet playtime til 7:30 PM. Then we get her blankies and snuggle on the couch to read exactly 5 books: Teddy's Bathtime, That's Not My Tractor, Elmo at the Zoo, Counting 1 2 3, and Farm First Touch and Feel. She reads all of other books during the day, but at night, it's these 5 and only these 5! Then I sing "good night Emily" and pat her back while I carry her to bed and she snuggles down into her covers. She still listens to ocean sounds all night. I can usually plan on getting 11-12 hours straight out of her.

Did I mention that she loves food? Especially carrots, broccoli, bananas, grapes, Nilla wafers, goldfish crackers, cheese sticks, and Go-gurts. She will try anything once and usually likes it.

Emily would spend every minute outside if she could. She loves to push around her play stroller, kick a soccer ball, ride the lawn mower, take a wagon ride, or just pick dandelions from the yard. We take her to the park almost every weekend, where the daredevil goes down the big twisty herself! When inside, she loves to do art (draw with markers or pens) or play with Sissy and Brutha (her toys are not interesting to her at all unless someone is playing with them with her!)

Emily is up to 24 pounds. She wears size 18-24 mos clothes and size 5 shoes. She's still in size 3 diapers because: (1) they go up to 28 lbs and (2) you get way more diapers in a smaller size for the same price! She has 16 teeth (!) with all 4 back molars. She brushes her teeth every night after her bath.

Emily loves all music! She tries to play Caroline's recorder, but she really enjoys when Garrett plays his trombone and Caroline plays her recorder together. She'll clap her hands and rock her head back and forth to the beat.

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