Sunday, August 25, 2013

Wet N Wild Willow

 We've been trying to introduce Willow to the water more by bringing her to Peggy and Joe's house to swim in the creek.  Willow hasn't figured out that her name includes "retriever" when she's on land.  We'll throw a tennis ball in the yard and she runs like the wind to it.....then stops, sniffs a leaf, and heads back to us.  With no ball!  But at the creek, she will go retrieve every pine cone that Emily throws off the dock.  And one of the main things that Timmy would like to do with her is duck hunt.  So it's very important that Willow understand that when that duck falls out of the sky, it is her job to go get it and bring it back.
So proud of her pine cone!

Timmy's "tough love" approach

Random barking at rogue waves

This one was her final leap onto the ramp and it flattened out her body, making her look like a river otter!

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