Sunday, December 15, 2013

Snow Days Already

 When they called for "inclement weather" last week, I wasn't exactly holding my breath.  The bigger the deal that the news makes about upcoming snow, the less we tend to get.  But we have a superintendent from Georgia so he called two days out and then a half day on Wed.  Made my week at school pretty easy last week!  Except that there is NOTHING easy about staying home with 4 kids while they can't go outside and burn off energy.  Not much snow for us, but lots of annoying ice and rain.
Jason wanted to climb everything, Emily wanted to do tons of art projects, but there were two things that everyone could agree on:  annoy play with the dog and take out all of mom's pots and pans and tupperware.
I'm teasing the dog!  It's so much fun!, I didnt take out any Tupperware.  Why?

Better than my birthday, I tell ya!

Caught in the act

And to think that I bought them actual Christmas presents....

Two remotes and a prime sofa seat:  Garrett's position for pretty much the whole 2 1/2 days.

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