Me: 29 weeks, 1 day (about 75 more days to go)
Feeling: Tired (more like exhausted). Not to complain, but seriously--can I maintain this work schedule for the next 2 months?? I haven't even gotten into the heavy content and already I'm wiped at the end of the day.
Baby: Supposed to be about 16 inches long (by 32 weeks they should be close to birth length) but she's no where near birth weight. Baby book says she should be around 3 pounds right now, but the sciatica nerve running down my back says that number may be a little low :)
Doctor's visit: Next one is Sept. 15th ,which is a double treat--> diabetes class @ 1 pm, followed by actual dr @ 4 pm. Feeling lightheaded lately, probably from eating low carb in preparation for diabetes diet.
Likes: elastic waist pants, pony tail holders, flip flops, afternoon naps
Dislikes: getting up to pee 3 times a night; getting up so early for work; back ache; lack of time to get housework finished during daytime hours