Emily is officially one month old! We went to the doctor today for our one month check up (stats below) and Dr. B said that Emily is perfect! She is holding up her head, makes eye contact, smiles when I talk to her, makes an "aaa" or "ooo" sound when she's content, and can track objects with her eyes. She got her Hepatitis B shot (we opted to postpone this one til now; it's usually done in the hospital when the baby is born. But I don't have any risk factors, and I wanted to give her immune system time to get stronger before introducing vaccinations). Emily screamed for about one minute then quieted down for her favorite activity: eating! We headed to Target to get Vitamin D drops, which Dr. B said to start once a day; breast milk is lacking in Vitamin D and the babies need the supplement. STATS:
Weight: 9 pounds, 3 oz.! This baby is getting big! A weight gain of 2 pounds, 5 oz. in only 4 weeks.
Length: 21 inches (increase of 2 inches in 4 weeks)
Likes: taking a bath, getting rubbed down with lotion, her sleeping "bag" (blanket sleeper with big sack at the bottom for her legs), eating, hanging out in the Baby Bjorn (thanks Carrie!), sleeping on people
Dislikes: getting out of the bath, waiting to eat, the swing (for now), burping, being in her car seat for more than 20 minutes, having a Onesie pulled over her head
What's Next? Back to the doctor on Jan. 18th for her 2 month visit and more shots! :(