Monday, October 22, 2012

Welcome Baby Jason!

 Our induction on Wednesday morning went very smoothly, with the exception of the epidural fail at 8 cm!  After being very comfortable and not even able to feel that I was having a contraction, they came on strong and I could feel everything.  My Godsend-of-a-nurse, Jamie, tried to get me a booster of meds, but it was time to push by then.  10 minutes later, Jason Oliver Drinks was born!
 Jason Oliver Drinks
8 pounds, 9 ounces
20 3/4 inches long
October 17, 2012 @ 3:09 PM

 He was very alert from the moment he was born and boy, is he an eater!  He took right to nursing and didn't stop for an hour and a half!  The siblings and grandparents were getting restless to hold him!

 Big yawn!  Having so many visitors tuckered the poor boy out.  Aunt Carrie was there by noon, so she got to witness everything and capture all those first moments on film.  My co teacher Robin stopped by just as I was assigned to a recovery room, and my friends Jen, Tiffany, Tracy, and Natalie all stopped by on Thursday.
 Jason has the most adorable quizzical look when he first opens his eyes.  Here he is hanging out with Daddy.
 Baby's home!  We came home Friday afternoon (the head nurse dragged out the discharge process and we probably could have been there in the morning, but oh well).  Emily took to the baby immediately.  She loves to give him kisses on his head, pat his back when I am burping him, and tickle his toes.  She doesn't seem to be bothered by his crying (which he doesn't do much) and isn't displaying jealousy issues (yet).

 Aunt Carrie was a lifesaver!  She drove all the way from PA on Wednesday morning and made it in time for the birth.  She was an official "leg holder" and photographer!  She brought all kinds of frozen dinners for us, so Tim and I don't have to worry about making dinner for about the next month.  Carrie was loaded down with presents for us, including my birthday present.  She was a huge help with the kids, basically stepping in for Tim and me on Wednesday night so that Tim could stay at the hospital with me.  She took Garrett and Caroline home, got them in bed, up the next morning, and off to school.   Then she treated me to some Starbucks and hung out with me at the hospital Thursday and Friday, in addition to spending the night with me on Thursday.  Carrie was at our beck and call, truly just a generous person who was more help and more appreciated than she could ever imagine.
 Baby Jason on the drive home.  It was uneventful--hopefully he likes car rides!

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