Saturday, October 27, 2012

Jason's First Week

 Well, Jason is a pretty laid back guy.  He let's me know when he wants to eat by squawking (and that squawk will become a full-on wail in one minute if not answered in a timely manner) and it's like he carries a pocket watch in his gown--that boy eats every 2 1/2 hours without fail.  He lost 9 oz. in the first 3 days of life, so I guess he's making up for it.  I've been "encouraging" him to get his days and nights straight by waking him up multiple times during the day while he is happily snoozing.  I give him a sponge bath in the morning, which he screams through, and he gets a lotion rub-down in the afternoon to wake him up.  Just the act of changing his diaper is usually enough to wake him up enough to eat.  And like a true boy, I have gotten hosed down during these diaper changes more times than I can count!
You talking about me?

 The second night home, he went on an eating rampage, demanding to be fed every hour.  I think it was because my milk had just come in.  The fourth night was perfect.  Fifth night--screaming and crying with a tight stomach, and he hadn't pooped that day, so I'm going with tummy troubles.  He was doing that wonderful nursed-baby transition from meconium to yellow poop, and I think he had trouble making the change.  Yesterday, a huge blow out and he's been a dream baby ever since.  Guess who slept all night (with only 3 wake ups to eat)?!  Me and Jason!

 See that smirk?  He makes the cutest little faces while he's snoozing.  And you can tell when he is in dream mode because he raises his eye brows, twitches his mouth, and makes surprised faces.  
 I do get to see those baby blues when he's awake.  His usual awake time is when he is nursing.  I try to talk to him while he's eating, saying his name a lot and talking about our day.  I've been leaving all the lights on during the day to help with that night/day mix up that newborns have, and I think it's helping.  
Big sister Emily is just a sight with him!  She helps me carry in his car seat to daycare in the morning, gives him a big kiss on the head when we leave, and loves to help with diaper changes.  She doesn't like to hear him cry and becomes very concerned.  She will randomly leave what she's playing with, run over to him and point out his ears, nose, toes, etc.  Then he gets a big kiss and she's right back to what she was doing.  I think we hit the right mark on timing with these two--let's hope the jealousy doesn't ever rear its ugly head!
What's Next?  Jason is back to the doctor on Thursday (11/1) for his two week  check up!

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