Monday, July 30, 2012

Picture Perfect Arrangement

 With 103 pictures on my camera after vacation, I knew that I would have some good shots that I would like to display in our house.  Since we doubled our square footage from our last house, there is plenty of white wall space to go around.  So after I picked up my prints from CVS (and got extra copies for Peggy and some larger prints in 5x7), I arranged them so that we had a good mix of Timmy and me, the kids, and of course, Emily's naked "running free" pic.
As luck would have it, I was reading one of Peggy's "Woman's Day" magazines at the beach house and came across a cute way to mat a picture.  You use a map from where you went on vacation to frame out the photo in the middle.  I did this with Nags Head maps (free in the Sunny Day visitor's guides) for the middle two pictures.  I think it turned out great!

1 comment:

  1. Great idea on the map mats! But I could never cut mine so straight. Can I steal your idea, and at the same time ask you to do said idea for me? What if I throw in a foot rub?
