Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween and Jason's Second Week

 Tim has school on Wednesday nights, so trick or treating was going to be difficult enough with a toddler, newborn, and 2 other children, let alone answering the door for trick or treaters.  Since Emily had a Halloween party at school and doesn't know the difference anyway, we skipped the dressing up part and let her help answer the door.  Which was very easy since we only had one group of kids!  Lots of leftover candy around this place!  Jason decided that he was going to cluster feed for most of the evening, so I laid low on the couch with my Boppy pillow while Timmy and Emily answered the door (Tim got out of school early, so he was home by 7).  Poor Caroline was sent home yesterday from school with a migraine and vomiting, so she slept most of the day and hung out on the couch last night.
 Emily really wanted to share her Twizzlers with Jason, but we explained that he lacks teeth.  Then she wanted to open his mouth for proof.  But I like to encourage the sharing part!
 Caroline was feeling much better today, but not great enough to go to school (they wouldn't have let her anyway since it's less than 24 hours with vomiting).  So she was my "helper" with taking Jason to his 2-week checkup.  Dr. Bradshaw was very impressed with Jason!  His jaundice is almost completely gone (it wasn't severe to start with) and he is growing like crazy!  In just 10 days, he has gained almost a pound (going from 8 pounds to 8 pounds, 14 ounces).  He is 21 inches long (increase of 1/4 inch).  None of this surprises me because he eats all the time.  His only job is to sleep, eat, and poop!  And he does plenty of all of those!
Jason was such a good boy that I was able to run a few errands in the Burg and pick up my FMLA paperwork from my OB's office. I felt pretty darn productive today!
We're back to the doctor on November 20th for our one month checkup.  I also scheduled Emily's two year well visit for the same time, so let's hope that runs smoothly.

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