Friday, November 1, 2013

Halloween in our 'Hood

 It was a mad dash to pick up everyone and get them home, fed, and costumed before we headed out for some trick or treating fun.  Emily has been wavering between a Barbie Maraposa costume or an Ariel costume, and Maraposa won today.  So it was a tiara and butterfly wings for her.  I have had Caroline's costume items in her room for almost 2 weeks now, but it wasn't until 5:25 PM this evening that she wanted to put it all together.  So we were frantically thinking of how to do stripes for her mime costume, and it came to me--electrical tape!  I made temporary stripes that we could peel right off when the evening was over.  Jason was easy to get dressed as a dinosaur/dragon and Garrett was "too cool" for dressing up and became our candy man.  
 We gathered on the front porch at 5:30 and headed out, determined to hit several houses before Jason needed to go to bed.  Our entire neighborhood is retired folk, so they were super excited to see little kids in costume, but we didn't really have any competition for the houses.  We were the only trick or treaters that I saw all night.  Which is kinda sad, because I remember kids just covering the neighborhood when I was a kid. Running up to the door to be the first to ring the doorbell and having a whole crowd of kids around me while digging through the bucket.  And it seemed like most of the houses were participating in the whole "hand out candy" thing when I was a kid.  Around here, easily half of the houses looked empty or unwelcoming, like no one wanted to be bothered.

I kept the Minion costume from work.  Overalls are downright comfy!

Our first house of the evening

Jason chose to have several "independent" moments while out with us, choosing to run off into the neighbor's yards or go in the opposite direction of the entire group.

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