Thursday, October 28, 2010

Dr. Visit Update

I saw the perinatalogist on Tuesday for what I thought was just my biophysical profile. Luckily, they went ahead and did the growth scan so I didn't have to go back again on Wednesday. Baby girl is measuring 5 pounds, 5 oz. right now at 36 weeks. She's still in the 20th percentile, but the doctor pointed out that the important thing is that she stayed consistent and gained weight. They are not worried about her size at this point. I asked Roxy the US Tech what size the baby would be at birth, and she said "If you went to 40 weeks, and this is really just a guess, I would say she would be around 7 pounds, 10 oz". Well, we all know that I am not going to make it to 40 weeks, so I guess I am getting a barely 7 pounder. I won't know what to do with something so little! Roxy had two suggestions: "Buy newborn clothes and newborn diapers. Something tells me you didn't have either with your other giant babies". Very true, Roxy. So I set out last night to get some cute clothes at Kohl's and some diapers with my Target coupons (I am very immediate in my gratification!). Hit a great sale at Kohl's and picked up 7 one-pieces in a variety of velour, terry, microfiber, and cotton: Love the elephant on this one (I also got it in 3 months!)
Tried to mix it up a bit--my other picks were pretty much all white with small decorations, like flowers or polka dots.

So what does this mean for Baby Emily's arrival? Well, I go back to the OB on Monday at 3:45 PM for my 37th week visit. Now that she is head down (Yea! No C section!) they will be scheduling my induction when I come in on Monday. The perinatalogist said that he is suggesting I be induced at 38 weeks (less than 2 weeks...yikes!). My OB may have a different opinion (rumor has it that the docs in her office like to induce around 39 weeks for GD). So right now it's just a guessing game. Either way, we'll most likely have a date come Monday, which is soooo much better than just waiting to go into labor :) It will be nice to say "By the way, I'm being induced in a week, so have my sub lined up" as opposed to "By the way, my water just broke all over my classroom. Can you get a janitor and substitute, in that order? I will be freaking out in the faculty lounge."

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