Saturday, October 2, 2010

32 Weeks

Yes, I know that's not a belly shot to the left, but my photographers are spending the weekend with their cousins and Timmy is out crabbing, so I filled in with a recent pic of the kids! Garrett was told by his English teacher to "duct tape your sister to a chair and read a fable to her". Well, we skipped the tape part, but he did read the fable.
Here are the weekly stats:
How far along? 32 weeks, 3 days (about 50 days left)
Update from dr: Now that I am on insulin at night, I get put into an even higher risk category (even though my dr's opinion is that I am doing everything right and she's not worried). So now it's weekly visits to her practice and weekly visits to the perinatalogist, where I will be getting a bioprofile each week (3-D ultrasound and NST). What does that mean for me? Well, even more time out of work because the tests will take 1-2 hours each week and that doesn't include the time I spend in the waiting room for my OB-GYN.
What about Baby? Heartbeat was a strong 140 (up from 124 at the visit the week before, which apparently is within normal range even though it scared the crap out of me). Weekly ultrasounds will give a better idea of her weight, but right now she's around 4 lbs. Supposed to be around 17 inches long this week! Still breech, but doctor said not to panic til 35 weeks. The problem now is that she may not turn due to larger size, so it's a wait-and-see game. Dr. says that perinatalogist will monitor breech status each week with scans.
What About Mommy? Starting to get the tired feeling that goes along with 3rd trimester, but nothing like what I had in the 1st trimester. Lots of nesting (Timmy and I got a new vacuum last night, and I was over the moon!). Foot swelling is much better, probably due to GD diet and lots of water. I've had a nasty head cold for the past week, causing me to steal my kids' penguin humidifier and sleep in an upright position. It's starting to clear up so hopefully I can stop buying stock in Kleenex soon.
Likes This Week: Cooler weather, new vacuum, washing baby clothes, feeling big kicks in the lower region and pointy elbows in my belly button
Dislikes This Week: Watching Timmy clean water out of the basement after 6 inches of rain 24 hours, depending on my coworkers to cover my butt, giving myself injections, being on my feet all day, hourly pee breaks, snoring so loud I drive my husband to the couch 2 nights in a row

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