Garrett came home with a post-it note from Mrs. Miller, his English teacher, about a ceremony on Monday. It's the awards for the Potomac Elementary 600 Club. If you score a 600 (perfect score) on your SOL test, you get invited to get an award. Garrett scored a 600 on two out of his three SOL tests last year: math and Virginia History. He missed a perfect score on his Science test by one question....and somewhere, in the dark, a science teacher weeps. But anyhoo, we were excited about the other two tests so we headed up to PES for awards, punch, and cake! Garrett and his "You're a star!" ribbon
See the pride in his eyes?! So excited about his accomplishments.
See the pride in his eyes?! So excited about his accomplishments.
This is the "God, mom, hurry up. You're embarrassing me" shot. Garrett was more interested in a second helping of cake and running around with his friends.
CONGRATS to my awesome nephew! GREAT JOB!!!